Monday, January 25, 2016

Unmatched Beauty

Was ill this past week and missed Saturday's snowstorm. Plan to make up for it today. These photos are from Friday, March 5, 2015. The sweetest Central Park snow day in my life. Unmatched NYC beauty.

Mark your calendar. Valentine's Day, February 14th, a special Stoops to Nuts show at Ryan's Daughter, 350 E. 85th Street @ 3-6pm. I''ll perform sections from my upcoming play, "City Boy." My special musical guests: David Terhune, Nina Terhune and Eric Vetter.

"My Aim Is True"
Thomas Pryor presents:  Stoops to Nuts Valentine Day Show
Ryan's Daughter, 350 E. 85th Street
February 14th @ 3pm to 6pm
Free show

Check out my 1960s memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." at Logos Book Store, or purchase the book online at Amazon (114 five-star reviews out of 114 posted) or Barnes & Noble ~ and buy "River to River ~ New York Scenes From a Bicycle" my photography portfolio online.

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