Monday, September 30, 2013

Detention Today, Photography Exhibit Tomorrow

Late June 1964, you and your 4th grade friend are fooling around in St. Stephen's church right after dismissal. He goes inside the confessional door and plays the priest, and you pull aside the blue curtain and kneel on the kneeler. You're the sinner.

"I killed my father, stole a car and kicked my Nun in the ass."

"Son, sorry to hear it, say forty rosaries and blow your nose in your grandmother's hankie."

Brother Albert overhears the whole thing and pulls you both out by your ears. Drags you upstairs to the school yapping, "Oh, you two think it's do whatever you want last few days of school, well, you're wrong!"

You end up in one classroom and your friend is thrown into another. "Don't move, don't talk, I'll be back." Brother Albert must have been on an exercise kick because he comes back, a dozen times, four flights of stairs up and down. Maybe he was going into the Marines?

You and your friend set a new school record, staying after school five hours. 8pm standing in front of the church you both laugh and punch each other in the gut. "See you tomorrow." He goes home his way, 84th Street off First Avenue, you go your way, York Avenue and 78th Street.

At 8:15pm you cross 79th Street and York Avenue, look up to the park and see the orange sky.

St. Stephen's 4th Grade April 1964

Please join me for the opening reception of 
“Yorkville & NYC Scenes From a Bicycle,”
 Tuesday, October 1, 2013 from 7 to 9pm.

All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.

Thank you, Yorkville Creperie, for inviting me to exhibit my work.

“Yorkville & NYC Scenes From a Bicycle”
Thomas R. Pryor Photography
@ Yorkville Creperie
1586 York Avenue (bet 83rd & 84th Street)

Opening Reception: Tuesday, October 1st @ 7pm to 9pm, refreshments will be served.

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