Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My Hero, Kennedy Moore

The best real estate agent on the Upper Eastside? Kennedy Moore. Last winter, Kennedy found a one bedroom well lit apt in an elevated building on 88St, a hundred feet from Carl Schurz Park for $1900 a month.
My all time champ indecisive 92 yr old buddy, Walter, declined. Leaving him on the fourth floor of a walk-up he moved into in 1942. Yes, he could have afforded the $1900 for many years.

Funny, how life delivers ties that bind you never see coming. Walter was my Dad's best friend. Mom loved Walter. Treated him a brother.

Walter has unopened bottles of Old Spice, English Leather & Hai Karate. Clearly, he's never been lonely for female companionship.
Three cheers for Kennedy, you rock, my friend.

If you like my work check out my memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." Available at Logos Book Store.

The book has 121 Amazon five star reviews out of 121 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Volia's... For Your Unmentionable Needs

Viola's, Yorkville's premier Lingerie Shop, has supplied bras, girdles, rear lifters, and other support products to the women in my family for 66 years! (anniversary sign's been in the window for six years) How do you think the ladies look so good in the old pictures?

Viola helped the girls keep it in, when they didn't want it out.

I remember being in the Five & Ten's candy aisle with Mom. She manhandled a giant bag of M&M's out of my hands and said to no one in particular, "Jeez! This bra's killing me!" I waved bye to the candy as she pushed Rory and me in the stroller a few stores down to Viola's for a purchase.

If you have unmentionable needs and hope to ever get that girlish figure back, you best get yourself to Viola's, tout suite! Their lingerie and hosiery sleep in fine boxes folded tidy like Mom folded your things in the small suitcase when you were young and she was sending you away with a big smile on her face. Don't you miss that smile? Well, if you go to Viola's and the ladder's in place, and the lady goes up the ladder, and pulls down a few boxes and opens them carefully for you, the memories will flood back. Yes, they will. Viola's!  66 proud years protecting, hiding and enhancing Yorkville figures.

If you like my work check out my memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." Available at Logos Book Store.

The book has 120 Amazon five star reviews out of 120 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Kevin Baker Praises "I Hate The Dallas Cowboys"

Tommy & NY Giants Chaplain Fr. Benedict Dudley O.F.C
"Thomas R. Pryor has written a sweet, funny, loving memoir of growing up old-school in a colorful New York neighborhood. A story of sports, family, and boyhood, you'll be able to all but taste, smell, and feel this vanished world."

Kevin Baker, author of "Dreamland," "Luna Park," "Sometimes You See It Coming," "Strivers Row," "Paradise Alley," and other works of fiction and non-fiction.

If you like my work check out my memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." Available at Logos Book Store.

The book has 120 Amazon five star reviews out of 120 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


I never felt lonely,
even on a dead summer day,
if I had a Spaldeen in my pocket.
The possibilities for a game were boundless.

If you like my work check out my memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." Available at Logos Book Store.

The book has 120 Amazon five star reviews out of 120 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Logos Bookstore Rolls On!

Congratulations, Harris Healy & Logos Bookstore, on your 20th anniversary on York Avenue. Please support the only remaining bookstore born and raised in Yorkville. Thank you, Peter Pereira, for your terrific local artwork here in this cartoon.

If you like my work check out my memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." Available at Logos Book Store.

The book has 120 Amazon five star reviews out of 120 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.