My all time champ indecisive 92 yr old buddy, Walter, declined. Leaving him on the fourth floor of a walk-up he moved into in 1942. Yes, he could have afforded the $1900 for many years.
Funny, how life delivers ties that bind you never see coming. Walter was my Dad's best friend. Mom loved Walter. Treated him a brother.
Walter has unopened bottles of Old Spice, English Leather & Hai Karate. Clearly, he's never been lonely for female companionship.
Three cheers for Kennedy, you rock, my friend.
If you like my work check out my memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." Available at Logos Book Store.
The book has 121 Amazon five star reviews out of 121 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.