Saturday, July 5, 2014

Losers Lounge Lincoln Center Soiree

The Losers Lounge performance at Lincoln Center last week was wild. The audience danced their pants off. Disco music circled the space. Summer’s here, time is right. The weather called for thunderstorms but the skies cleared and stayed that way throughout the two hour show. Think of the best wedding you’ve ever been to and times it by the number of people you’ve had mad crushes on in your lifetime. That’s how good this show was.

All my photos here, and all my photos at this link are from the Midsummer Swing Lincoln Center show.

The Losers Lounge continue to be the “best bang for the buck” music event in NYC. If you enjoy The Losers, this Tuesday, our “City Stories Stoops to Nuts,” show at Cornelia Street Cafe presents, the Loser Lounge founder, and leader, Joe McGinty, performing with Andrea Diaz, one of the finest song artists in New York and a standout Loser herself.

All Losers out there, gather your crumbled singles and put eight of them together in your pocket. Why?

Eight bucks will get you a free drink, and a front seat at “City Stories: Stoops to Nuts” to enjoy, hear and see “The Fox & the Duchess,” song set (aka Joe McGinty & Andrea Diaz) – Jennifer Barrett (Living Loud) – Nicole Ferraro (The New York Times) – Harry Rolnick (Wall Street Journal.) I’m telling one from my new book, “I Hate the Dallas Cowboys – tales of a scrappy New York boyhood.

Anna C. Cabana and Blythe Gruda

I’ve lived in NYC 60 years straight. I’m grateful to have this rare opportunity to host a fine show with stellar songsmiths and enchanting storytellers who bring their boundless talent to Cornelia Street in the West Village every second Tuesday of the month.

Hope you can make this Tuesday’s show at 6pm at Cornelia Street Cafe.

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