Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Only Soul in the World That's Real

In the fall of 1997 on Long Beach Island in Jersey my friends, John, Jerome and Freddy cautiously agreed to let me help them build a porch on Second Street in Beach Heaven. John well knew I was mechanically challenged and years away from memorizing and applying “lefty loosey, righty tighty” when turning a screw.

Early in the affair, one of them foolishly handed me a nail gun that I playfully discharged. The first three inch nail flew between Freddy’s legs near his goods and the next one exploded past John & Jerome’s heads when I lifted the gun to see how it operated. Jerome said quietly but firmly, “get the fecking thing out of his hands.”

Despite my failure to assist, the guys generously added my name to the porch plaque.

I’m known for my lousy mechanical skills and my love for Long Beach Island.
Here are pictures from my trip there last week and one of my favorite beach songs, “Bell Boy,” by The Who.

Coming up:

Monday, June 11th, I open up for Adam Wade at his monthly show in the Theatre under St. Mark's @ 94 St. Mark's Place.

Tuesday, June 12th is our next "City Stories: Stoops to Nuts," storytelling show at Cornelia Street Cafe with amazing near equinox talent: Barbara Aliprantis, Robin Bady, Leslie Goshko, Joy Kelly, Mike Fornatale and The Tall Pines.

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