Happy Valentine's Day, Alison, I miss you, love, Dad
ps here is my favorite Valentine song by Nils Lofgren.
pss here's a February 14th memory
Valentine’s Day 1971 , I'm sitting at Nan’s kitchen table while she cuts vegetables for pea soup.
.“Thanks for the card. What are getting Gin?”
.“A card.” I answered.
.“What?” She stopped cutting which was a highly unusual thing for her to do. Abort a chore to talk? She was a multi-tasker.
"I spent all my money on her Christmas and birthday gifts, I'm broke."
"You like the girl?"
"Want to lose her?"
"Then don

She reached in and pulled out a ten.
"Here, get her something nice, and if you don't spend the the ten, I want my money back."
"Thanks, Nan."
I bought two James Taylor albums at Woolworth's on 86th Street. Then, I went to Mickey's florist on 84th & First and bought one rose. I delivered the package hiding the records inside my corduroy jacket pulling them out after Gin took the rose. I got a long hug and a big kiss. She didn't let me go. Nan's mind reading skills were started to scare me.

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