The City is mystical on holiday weekends.
Got to get out of here people leave and all your favorite places are accessible and terrific stuff pops up everywhere. Most folks are on their best behavior, I got itchy and moved around to see what's going on.
My favorite motion and food things in no particular order:
Water after running
Walking up West Broadway to Washington Square Park, through the arch and on up Fifth Avenue
Tunes with running
Weights at gym
Looking up at buildings for things I've missed
Cold beer, only, after I earned it
Reading the newspapers on a stoop in the morning
Bike riding with tunes
Taking my shoes and socks off on the East River Drive
Hellman's Mayo
Sitting on a bench on Hudson Street and watching the river flow
Well, it's too early, but if I wanted to, I earned cold beer today. I biked to Washington Bridge, down to the Battery and up the Lower East Side along the water.
It was low tide at the Brooklyn Bridge and a three block long beach appeared. I locked the bike, climbed down, and went in the East River up to my thighs. First time ever. Been in the Hudson, but never east side. Kind of
Dead End Kids feeling, warm in the stomach, you know?
After doing the
Brooklyn Bridge Beach, I headed up to 10th Street between 1st & 2nd Avenues for a fair. My friends, Peter Carlaftes & Kat Georges performed
"Greenagers in Love." They were hysterical.
Last Tuesday, I biked out to Coney Island, and discovered eager beach balls dying to get in the water. Soon...