Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dancing With Myself

I needed cash. Wickedly windy outside, I ran from my office to the HSBC near Duane Park north of Chambers.
After the bank, I ran down Warren Street towards Wholefoods. In a store window, I saw myself running, "I know you!" Then I saw myself falling.
Some knucklehead wet down the sidewalk in front of his double-wide building creating 40 feet of icy death. It was 23 degrees out.
First, I did a Dorothy Hamil, One leg lifted unintentionally towards the sky while the other turned 90 degrees off the ball of my foot. The German judge gave me a "6" on his card.
Following Hamil, I did a James Brown shuffle, where my arms got involved trying to sustain enough balance not to go down, I resembled a kid imitating a steam engine, "Good & Plenty, Good, & Plenty." Coming to the end of the ice, I tried to slow by pushing both feet down, but this spun me 180 degrees, now I couldn't see where I was going, so I moon-walked the rest of the way, left the ice, prepared to fall, covered my head and took most of the impact on my bottom.
I'm going to a have shiner tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tootie said...

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help myself. Your description is hilarious!