Monday, April 29, 2013

"Have a NYC 2" - Book Release Party - "Ringalario, One, Two, Three"

Carl Schurz Park in Yorkville
My story, "Over Her Dead Body,"  is part of "Have a NYC 2," a terrific new anthology from Three Rooms Press.

This coming Friday, May 3rd at 6pm. Three Rooms Press, is throwing a book launch party at Cornelia Street Cafe. $8 admission with a free drink.

Please come down and help us celebrate the book's release and hear NYC 2's contributing writers read their New York City tales.


Pictured above, Carl Schurz Park's river side entrance to the playground at 84th Street. The door on the left was where the Parkies parked in the 1960s. All I remember is the Parkies chasing us for whatever. They were to be avoided.

In the mid to late 1960s, we used the whole park for boundaries in Ringalario from 84th Street to 89th Street and the East River to East End Avenue. Being seen by an opponent outside the boundaries meant automatic capture. Games lasted hours. Dinners were missed. Calling it Ringalario drove my Dad nuts, since his crew in the 1940s called it Ringalevio.

Ringalario might be the greatest game ever created.  It was a full contact sport, guys would dive into base over missed tackles to free their team mates. You had the wildness of football and we played with girls. We captured girls and they captured us. Full body wrap-arounds and not letting go until you said, "Ringalario, One, Two, Three" three times.

Tell me something better than that at 13 years old? OK, maybe not as good as taking girls up on the big swings (And girls taking boys up, too).  A complex story with first permissions all over the place that gave close dancing a run for it's money. I'll save the swings tale for another day.

Below are photos of Carl Schurz Park at seven in the morning.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

"I Feel A Strange Exciting Thing About to Be"

Music's association with places I love is a joy. Yesterday, I walked through Central Park on my way to see The Rascals for the first time. The park reels their songs back to me. They own a large room in my heart. I go there for comfort. I miss my cassette tapes and the steady appearance of The Rascals tunes during my runs, beach trips and car rides. Always lifting me, making me feel things were going to be OK. Seeing them, hearing them live, I confirmed everything I felt back then I still do.

They did 28 songs, and my favorite, "Sueno," was square in the middle. Sing it Felix, "I feel a strange exciting thing about to be."

Here is a link to more photos.

My story, "Over Her Dead Body,"is part of a terrific new anthology, "Have a NYC 2."Three Rooms Press, the publisher, is throwing a launch party at Cornelia Street Cafe on Fri, May 3rd @ 6pm. Come hear the writers read from their odes to New York City.

Monday, April 22, 2013

"I Miss Thurman Munson" - Sunday Afternoon, Washington Square Park

Trying to build strength, biked down to Washington Square Park yesterday. A cool breezy day attracted a smartly dressed pup in full team regalia including knock-off Converse sneakers. I was impressed by her attire and her deep thought stance as she sat quietly on the edge of the fountain with her human. They entered the park from the north through the arch and went directly to a prime seat at the park's center. I could tell from the look in her eyes, she missed Thurman Munson, double-headers, and pre-renovation Old Yankee Stadium with the bullpens where they should be in left and right fields directly next to the fans with tolerable barriers easily dismissed when direct contact was necessary between a fan and a player.

My story, "Over Her Dead Body,"is part of a terrific new anthology, "Have a NYC 2."Three Rooms Press, the publisher, is throwing a launch party at Cornelia Street Cafe on Fri, May 3rd @ 6pm. Come hear the writers read from their odes to New York City. Here is a link and more details to follow.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Losers Lounge Tribute to Elvis Costello @ Joe's Pub

The Losers Lounge Tribute to Elvis Costello at Joe's Pub late Friday night was one of their best. I'm not a wine expert, but if you could bottle The Losers Lounge talent and energy I'd bet that bottle would be in NYC's finest restaurant's wine cellar waiting for the right couple at the the right time. Here are photos and a link to more.

Spring continues to show off, it's about time.

My story, "Over Her Dead Body,"is part of a terrific new anthology, "Have a NYC 2." Three Rooms Press, the publisher, is throwing a launch party at Cornelia Street Cafe on Fri, May 3rd @ 6pm. Come hear the writers read from their odes to New York City.  Here is a link and more details to follow.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring's Popping On 81th Street - The Lost & Found Show tonight @ Happy Ending @ 7:30pm

Spring's popping, walked up and down 81th Street at sunset last night from York Avenue to 2nd Avenue. It's a treat. Here are photos.

Tonight, Thursday @ April 18th, @ 7:30pm I'm telling @ "The Lost and Found Show."@ Happy Ending @ 302 Broome Street. The theme is "Wallets and Purses."

My tale deals with my grandmother's "gang box" otherwise known as her pocketbook. "Get My Bag!" starts and ends in the basement of an old bank where the family's safety deposit box held one secret I wish it had kept forever.

The artists: Adam Wade, Michael Maiello, Angel Yau, and Daniel Guzman is our host.

It's a free show, you can't beat that. 

Hope to see you tonight!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring on 84th Street ~ "The Lost & Found Show" Tomorrow

Having trouble staying healthy enough to be outdoors, but spring's blossom show pushes me outside for an hour or two each day. Gives me hope, if spring can finally get here, then my health is around the corner.

Here are photos from last night straight up 84th Street from First Avenue at sunset and the southern sky over the avenue.

Tomorrow, Thursday @ April 18th, @ 7:30pm I'm telling @ "The Lost and Found Show." @ Happy Ending @ 302 Broome Street.  The theme is "Wallets and Purses."

My tale deals with my grandmother's "gang box" otherwise known as her pocketbook. "Get My Bag!" starts and ends in the basement of an old bank where the family's safety deposit box held one secret I wish it had kept forever.

The artists: Adam Wade, Michael Maiello, Angel Yau, and Daniel Guzman is our host.

It's a free show, you can't beat that. Hope to see you there.