Friday, February 12, 2016

Heads Up! City Boy's Coming!

Be careful today, if you are on or near York Ave. & 83 St. I'm getting ready for Sunday. Thomas Pryor presents: "My Aim Is True" ~ Stoops to Nuts Valentine Show @Ryan's Daughter

Thank you, Joe Dettmore, for the terrific art work. Thank you, Robert (Dad) Pryor, for right after taking this photo knowing I wouldn't break and stopping the bike before it & I flew into the street bed ~ Christmas 1960.

Check out my 1960s memoir, "I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood." at Logos Book Store, or purchase the book online at Amazon (114 five-star reviews out of 114 posted) or Barnes & Noble ~ and buy "River to River ~ New York Scenes From a Bicycle" my photography portfolio online.

Street life seen through 53 stories and 90 photos

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