Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Shadow Dance

My first story tonight @ 8pm at Ryans Daughter is dark. My second story is about fibbing. Sister Lorraine at St. Stephen of Hungary School, NYC said if I told a fib it was a venial sin; and a big lie was a mortal sin. As a practiced liar I needed to know the rules. I asked the nun to give me an example then ducked as her arm swung past my head.

Do you like old New York City photos and street life stories? Then check out my 1960s memoir,"I Hate the Dallas Cowboys - tales of a scrappy New York boyhood."Available at Logos Book Store and online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

The book has 112 Amazon five star reviews out of 112 total reviews posted. We're pitching a perfect game. My old world echoes TV's "The Wonder Years" ~ just add taverns, subways and Checker cabs.

1 comment:

Al Hauser said...

With Sister Charlotte, it didn't matter whether you told the truth or not, you were guilty of whatever sin or crime period