Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sparky Lyle Ruled Yorkville

Father's Day 1972, Dad dropped by Nan’s on York Avenue to get his annual kiss from his mother. She was stingy on direct affection. I was in the living room watching TV avoiding orders.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang, and my girlfriend, Ginny, walked in with two white fur-ball puppies, each fitting comfortably in her open hand. Barbara Morgan's poodle, Monique, had a one night stand with a Hungarian terrier named Lazlo on 83rd Street.

“I’m keeping this one, who wants the runt?” Ginny said, pulling one puppy back, and holding the other out.

Dad made a move and froze. He was thinking about Mom, I’m sure. She’d kill him.

Nan neatly took the dog out of Ginny’s hand, lifted it to check for its sex, then made an announcement.

“This little girl’s mine, her name is Sparky Lyle.”

Sparky was a special dog, I loved her madly. Her Vet was Dr. Higgins on 84th Street. Dr. Higgins and his staff loved Sparky and couldn't wait to see her. Sparky didn't like the doctor's office, didn't like the building, and didn't like walking north up 84th Street once we got to that corner.

38 years later, Dr. Higgins still serves the community taking care of the animals, treating each one with affection at the Yorkville Animal Hospital at 227 East 84th Street. God bless, Dr. John Higgins.


Thank you, Barbara Aliprantis, for the opportunity to be part of your terrific monthly storytelling show at Cornelia Street Cafe (Second Tuesday of the month @ 6pm) . I had a wonderful time.

Thank you, Eric Vetter, Alex DeSuze & Carl Fortunato (No Name & a Bag of Chips Variety Show @ Otto's Shrunken Head @ December 17th @ 7pm) for being wonderful guests on Yorkville radio last night. Anarchy ruled,
and it was fun to
jump into the nut pool with all of you. I have no TP!

Listen to the Yorkville radio show on the archive at the Centanni link below:

I decided to take a sabbatical from the radio show. (Three more shows, last show will be January 4th) I do so with great reluctance. It's fun and hard work. I need to focus on a couple of projects. Thank you, Valerie Pepe, for asking me to be a guest on your show last May. I love you, pal. Thank you, Johnny Anello, for asking me to do the show and providing relentless support to me from the beginning to end. Thank you, Betty Eng, for patiently helping me learn how to do radio through my growing pains over the last six months. Thank you, Divino, Jean, Giovanna, Alexandra & Will for making Giovanna's Restaurant a sanctuary for me every Tuesday night. It feels like home. You'll see me soon and often.

My last three Yorkville radio shows will be loose (Dec 21st, Dec 28th& Jan 4th).

I have planned guests but welcome any of my friends to come down to Giovanna's Restaurant @ Tuesday night @ 9pm, and, if you like, I'll get you on the show and play a tune for you. Odds are good I have your request on my laptop.

Johnny tells me there are over 2,000 Yorkville: Stoops to Nuts listeners out there.

I thank you all for tuning in.

My compulsion for mischief is insatiable. I'll be back.

be well, Tommy

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