Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Church of Mara ~ I Love the Giants!

I love the Giants. I don't remember when it started but it must have begun in our 517 East 83rd Street living room when I was three watching the 7 away games with Dad in the living room while Mom and one year old Rory steered clear of the yelling and pillow throwing. They either huddled in the kitchen, went for a walk or hung out with Chickie Murphy next door on the 4th floor.

Dad taught me how to be a fan. 54 years later, I’ve been rewarded for my faithful attendance as a Parishioner in the Church of Mara. 4 Super Bowl victories in 25 years. And to think this would have been a good Giant year even if they lost 14 games but beat Dallas twice.

I will remain in my Giant pew until the day I die. Go Giants!

God bless football.